Your product, service or great idea always has a human story behind it.   Here is the key to getting people to like you and your product.

Natural Drama  The classic three acts.

  1. The Challenge:  Social awkwardness, financial need, dirty dishes, the right car, a house that needs painting, the list is endless.

  2. The Action and Climax:  Quest for the best, trial and error, discovery, breakthrough

  3. The Result:  A better life, better car or better almost anything.  All thanks to THEIR wise decision to use your enterprise, product or great idea.

Emotional Connection  We bond with the people involved with your enterprise as they struggle with the challenge, go through the action and discovery.  We get to know them, like them, root for them.  Their new better life makes us feel better too.  We want the same experience.

Suspense  By telling your story in serial installments, you offer one of the most potent and proven effective storytelling techinques of all time.  You create the need to know what will happen next.  You nuture emotional connection.  Suspense is also a viral trigger, a buzz that people want to share with others.  Serial Storytelling has a built in incentive for viewers to share.

All of this enhances your odds of getting more eyes and hearts

What if video is not an option?   No worries, you can apply the techniques above using photos.