This is one of my favourite form of storytelling.    I can show you how to use it to help you achieve more viewers, money, credibility, recognition, prestige or influence.  Based upon my 40 plus years of video storytelling for network television, I’ll guide you through your own video projects showing you how, where and when to use various elements of Serial Storytelling.    When was the last time you did something for the first time?  

What is Serial Storytelling?  It is oldest and most successful way to inform and persuade.    It consist of a series of episodes, or chapters, in which the story unfolds, grows, changes and leads to the next episode.  Thousands of years ago storytellers would go from village to village, or up and down rivers.  They earned their living by describing what was going on in other villages along the way.  They were the first reporters, and the first soap opera producers.  Villagers eagerly awaited a visit from the serial storyteller because they would find out what had recently happened in others lives since he last came there.    It was great gossip, fed by suspense.    In more modern times, Hollywood turned out suspense filled serials for Saturday movies for kids.  Flash Gordon was always left in danger, and we had to wait until next Saturday to see what happened.  TV came long and producers made millions by churning out serial, or episodic, dramas.  They still do.   Gossip over the back yard fence was also Serial Storytelling.   Now we have a digital back yard fence and serial storytelling is as potent as ever.    The most shocking part of Serial Storytelling is how few people use it today  on social media.   It does not matter whether you want to tell the story of your product, project our worthy cause, I guarantee that I can show you how to create Serial Storytelling to achieve more donors, more income, more prestige or more influence.    Everyone has a story.  And every story can be told in serial form.  

Why Serial storytelling is better than ordinary storytelling     Most online storytelling is ‘one-off.’  There is only one piece of video.  It might well be interesting and informative, but once it has been viewed there is nothing else to look forward to.  We are given no reason to keep watching.   One video is not enough  engagement to create habit.  And you want to own the habits out there.  

Why serial stories can work so well   We can best understand stories that give us  suspense, drama, emotion, intrigue, struggle, resolution and new beginnings.   With Serial Storytelling, i.e. an ongoing series or narrative, web visitors have multiple experiences with the people in your story.  They also get more ‘exposure time’ to become emotionally invested in your project, issue or worthy cause.    This encourages repeat viewing.  With each new episode viewers watch, the more emotionally  involved they can become.   Those emotional ties can produce strong audience loyalty and emotional memory (new neural pathways formed by repetition).  We are more likely to recall things when there is emotion attached to the moment.   (Royal wedding, your own wedding, your childs’s dance recital, etc)

Serial storytelling  has the unique advantage of  Urgency, Emotion, Suspense and Three Acts.  It adds up to a string of real life of inter-locking video episodes of individuals who are caught up in real life dramas related to major news issues, services or products.   The episodes connect to one another and carry the story forward with continual story suspense and urgency.   Virtually every highly successful and lucrative TV series uses this combination.   So did the first ever storytellers.  So can you, no matter what the nature of your own story.

How it works Each real life video episode is told like a mini three act play, beginning with ‘previously in this series.’  Then the story covers new action, and finally we tease to the next episode where yet more new development await.  Each episode moves the story forward with the latest circumstances affecting your individuals and big issues your are covering.   Suspense is maintained every in every minute of the series.

Each episode has built-in ‘real’ news value  Each video episode, or update, brings a new development, crisis, solution or suspense.   The series becomes continuous.   Natural dramas are compelling, which is why TV ‘reality’ series are so popular.  Those ‘reality’ shows, I’m sure you already know this, are largely contrived  in order to seem spontaneous.  However, your own Serial Stories can be more potent because they are ‘true’ reality.   

The Power of Embedded Emotional Memory   The more real life suspense you insert inside a story, the more episodes viewers are likely to watch.  The more true emotion you include, the more involved the viewers will become. Those emotional ties induce strong audience loyalty and memory.  Emotional experiences produce stronger memories. Emotion based memory is our ally, and Serial Storytelling delivers on that.

What Platforms?  Serial Storytelling works not only for news platforms, but also for businesses and NGOs.   Serial Storytelling is a potent way to report news about your product, cause or idea.  Web visitors will reward websites that are newsy, address their need for trustworthy content related to their special interests, and hold their attention.

In summary, Serial Storytelling has:

  •  The built in news-value of fresh developments in each episode
  •  Trustworthy content of real life stories of people whose dramas shed new light on issues, services, or products
  • Emotional involvement with individuals whose stories you follow from one episode to another
  • Seductive suspense of what will happen in the next instalment
  • Journalistic integrity
  • Emotional and repetitive themes which help build strong neural pathways for stronger memory and loyalty 

Reach out here to Mike Lee for help.  Your story is too important to fail.