Selling your brand through viral stories

What if your business or charity could increase its exposure to a world wide web audience simply by telling a story?  Your story.  Not an old fashioned ad, or donation pitch, packed with claims, promises or alarms, but a straight forward factual story with a beginning, middle, and an end.

And what if you you could use that video storytelling to build a web audience of loyal viewers who visit your product or NGO site, not just once, but over and over again?

And what if you could give those loyal viewers stories so emotionally engaging that they want to share them with friends?   Viral videos are those which become more popular by people sharing them on the internet.  Any share growth is viral.  Growth is good.

How can you accomplish that?  With Serial Storytelling.

What is Mike Lee Serial Storytelling?  It is real life stories about your brand or mission, told in video episodes.

How does it work?  Each short video is a an engaging story about individuals connected with your brand or mission, with a beginning, middle, and end, like a mini three act play. It starts with ‘previously in the series,’ then a new situation arises, followed by action, ending with a result, then teasing ahead to the suspense of the next episode.

Why does it make sense?  We humans are hard wired to understand life through stories.  We like to follow the adventures of others as they unfold.  We bond with individuals.  We like suspense.  We trust reality.

What is unique about Mike Lee Serial Storytelling?  

  • Mike Lee is a veteran tv correspondent with 40 years experience is telling video stories.
  • Your mission deserves more public attention, and will benefit from the journalistic insider techinques Mike has developed over decades of reporting for ABC News and CBS News.
  • Real life video episodes about your brand, product, or charity are produced and promoted as urgent breaking news features for use in social media and news media.
  • Embedded viral triggers, such as empathy and suspense, lead viewers from one episode to another.

Mike Lee consultations, even his ideas, are free with no obligation.   tel +44 (0) 7879 257 761   or write a short email about your goals, and receive free and actionable advice with no obligation.   email: