WATCH IT NOW – THE WEBINAR:  The New Serial Storytelling Model



This webinar reveals how to leverage a very old form a storytelling in new ways, in order to increase support for good cause missions. Serial storytelling is the real life story of your mission, told in episodes that encourage viewers to come back to your website over and over.
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You will see how to build a real-life web tv video series, embedded with viral triggers.
Here is a taster: Make your donor-viewers the main heroes of your stories.
You will see why and how Serial Storytelling can not only better engage web viewer-donors, but can make them want to come back to your mission site over and over.
Good causes have organic true ‘drama’ that can be leveraged into serial stories that can build and deepen your support base.  If you are working to protect people from abuses, poverty, poor education, starvation or other crises, whether it’s in a western city or an African village…you are sitting on mother lode of organic serial stories. True stories, not staged or fictional.   These are stories that can be told in episodes that invite viewer-donors to come back to your mission website for the latest news.
The new Serial Storytelling model gives your viewer-donors value upfront:  They are reminded in the videos that they are heroes, the people who make your good work possible.  You also give them emotional connecting triggers that enable them to more easily bond with individuals inside your mission, rather than merely an abstract idea or anonymous faces.  Brené Brown, a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work, said in a fantastic recent TED talk:  “Connection is why we’re here.  It’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.  Neuo-biologically that’s how we’re wired, that’s why we’re here.”   That old truth is the cornerstone of my new Serial Storytelling model.We humans are hard wired to understand life through stories. We like to follow the adventures of others as they unfold (millions of us watch TV serials every week). We bond with individuals. We trust reality. As I present details of my Serial Storytelling concept, I am pleased to be joined on the webinar by Michael Hoffman, CEO of See3 Communications the renowned good cause interactive communications agency that works exclusively with nonprofits, foundations, associations, and social causes.


Click here to watch the webinar